
Rotate IP address with each http request

Primary LanguagePython

Rotate IP address

Tutorial on how to config: YouTube Video

Rotate IP address and send each requests with a different IP address using Python3

Install tor browser and modify torrc:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:micahflee/ppa
sudo apt install torbrowser-launcher

Now, you should have a torrc file in your /etc/tor/ directory.

Edit torrc file in your /etc/tor/ directory

open the torrc file $ sudo nano torrc and uncomment the following lines (usually these are commented out):

ControlPort 9051
HashedControlPassword 16:2D99FRCE35858C6F608DB3122A6C8DA4C35BE5E105B9B54A7E438B122F
CookieAuthentication 1
Create a new HashedControlPassword password
tor --hash-password <password> 

For example, tor --hash-password mypass This will generate a new HashedControlPassword, replace the torrc's HashedControlPassword with your newly generated password. and remember which password you passed with tor --hash-password <password> command. You will use the <password> in your python code.

Now, replace welcome with your <password> in the following line of change_IP.py in line 21:

Restart the tor service
sudo service tor restart

Install required packages:

pip install stem
pip install requests

Run the program

python3 send_request.py

Program is tested on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS.