
a Ruby library for building OAI-PMH clients and servers

Primary LanguageRuby



ruby-oai is a Open Archives Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) library for Ruby. If you’re not familiar with OAI-PMH it is the most used protocol for sharing metadata between digital library repositories.

The OAI-PMH spec defines six verbs (Identify, ListIdentifiers, ListRecords, GetRecords, ListSets, ListMetadataFormat) used for discovery and sharing of metadata.

The ruby-oai gem includes a client library, a server/provider library and a interactive harvesting shell.


The OAI client library is used for harvesting metadata from repositories. For example to initiate a ListRecords request to pubmed you can:

require 'oai'
client = OAI::Client.new 'http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/oai/oai.cgi'
for record in client.list_records
  puts record.metadata

See OAI::Client for more details


The OAI provider library handles serving local content to other clients.

Setting up a simple provider:

class MyProvider < Oai::Provider
  repository_name 'My little OAI provider'
  repository_url  'http://localhost/provider'
  record_prefix 'oai:localhost'
  admin_email 'root@localhost'   # String or Array
  source_model MyModel.new       # Subclass of OAI::Provider::Model

See OAI::Provider for more details

interactive harvester

The OAI-PMH client shell allows OAI Harvesting to be configured in an interactive manner. Typing ‘oai’ on the command line starts the shell.

After initial configuration, the shell can be used to manage harvesting operations.

See OAI::Harvester::Shell for more details


Normally the best way to install oai is from rubyforge using the gem command line tool:

% gem install oai

If you’re reading this you’ve presumably got the tarball or zip distribution. So you’ll need to:

% rake package
% gem install pkg/oai-x.y.z.gem

Where x.y.z is the version of the gem that was generated.


  • consolidate response classes used by provider and client

  • automatic validation of metadata schemas

  • email the authors with your suggestions


  • Ed Summers <ehs@pobox.com>

  • William Groppe <will.groppe@gmail.com>

  • Terry Reese <terry.reese@oregonstate.edu>