
2020-product-analytics-group-project-indigo created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project Indigo

Google has an open-source project named Magenta that enables users to generate new music through machine learning models. We want to leverage this project to build a platform for artists and music enthusiasts to create a new form of music in ways that no other app allows them to.

Our web application will have a user interface that allows users to dictate the style of music they want to create by uploading their own music file. The app will then use the Magenta platform to output several slices of music in a similar style that the user can choose between.

Getting Started

The Application:


Code Documentation:


Steps to Try Indigo Yourself:

  1. Clone this github respository -- $ git clone https://github.com/MSDS698/2020-product-analytics-group-project-indigo.git
  2. Create a virtual environment -- $ python -m venv ENV_NAME
  3. Activate the environment -- $ source ENV_NAME/bin/activate
  4. Install the necessary packages -- $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run the application locally -- $ python application.py
  6. To run the test cases, from the root directory -- $ python -m pytest -v test/test_cases.py

Authors of Indigo:

Alan Flint, Ash Jha, Hannah Lyon, Jacob Goffin, Kirsten Tsai, Lori Sheng, and Rushil Sheth