
Geo-caching game for iOS: first built for PennApps XVI

Primary LanguageSwift


Geo-caching Photo game -- sets pins in your area; a Google Street View picture of where the pin is will be displayed to you. Take a picture similar enough to the Street View picture to earn points!


Dev Notes

Original idea was conceived by my friend Monica Xu (https://github.com/mokaixu) for a hackathon; you can find our original hackathon repository here: (https://github.com/alan-yilun-li/pennapps-xvi).

I built the iOS app, using Swift and Apple's native libraries (Cocoa-touch, MapKit) and implemented the Google Street View access. Monica built a wrapper server streamlining access to the public computer vision API we used for image comparison.

This repo is my continuation of the project.

To Date:

  • Cleaned up code
  • Updated UI
  • Fixed some trouble-some bugs