Android app displaying the 5 day weather forecast for London using the OpenWeatherMap API sample data.
- Android SDK
- Kotlin
- Data Binding
- Retrofit
- Moshi
- Coroutines
- LiveData
- ViewModels
- Repository Pattern
- Dependency Injection using Koin
- Coil image loading library
- Stetho and Android Remote Debugger
- Timber
- Clone the repository
- From Android Studio:
- Open project from the folder you cloned it into.
- From the menu select Run and then Run 'App'.
- From the command line:
- MacOs/Linux:
./gradlew installDebug
- Windows:
gradlew installDebug
- MacOs/Linux:
- Improve general layout.
- Use day of week instead of full date
- Either add a detail view or expandable card to add additional weather information.
- Get weather based on current user location.
- Handle more than one weather condition for a requested location.
- UI and Unit tests.