
REST service in Python (Django). The service accepts an image in the request body and responds with an augmented image.

Primary LanguagePython

Image augmentation REST API

REST service in Python (Django). The service accepts an image in the request body and responds with an augmented image.


  • resize
  • crop
  • rotate
  • negative

REST API with Django REST Framework


To run this project go to imageAugmentationProject/ directory and run the following command:

python manage.py runserver

This command would start the server at


Each endpoint takes JSON Object as the request body. The object have to contain pair: "image" and plain text image encoded with base64 algorithm (allowable image formats: ".jpg", ".png", ".bmp"). In the response body, each endpoint returns JSON Object with an augmented image.

Example body (request or response):

	"image": "someimageencodedwithbase64"
GET /augmentation/resize

The endpoint returns encoded resized image. Available parameters:

  • "width" (integer) - The width of an output image. By default it's equal to the width of an original image.
  • "height" (integer) - The height of an output image. By default it's equal to the height of an original image.
  • "interpolation" (text) - Acceptable values:
    • "INTER_LINEAR" - Bilinear interpolation (default).
    • "INTER_NEAREST" - Nearest-neighbor interpolation.
    • "INTER_AREA" - Resampling using pixel area relation.
    • "INTER_CUBIC" - Bicubic interpolation over 4x4 pixel neighborhood.
    • "INTER_LANCZOS4" - Lanczos interpolation over 8x8 pixel neighborhood.

Example request:

GET localhost:8000/augmentation/resize?width=80&height=160&interpolation=INTER_CUBIC HTTP/1.1

GET /augmentation/crop

The endpoint returns encoded cropped image. Available parameters:

  • "xBegin" (integer) - The starting x-axis coordinate of the slice. By default it's equal to 0.
  • "xEnd" (integer) - The ending x-axis coordinate of the slice. By default it's equal to the width of an original image.
  • "yBegin" (integer) - The starting y-axis coordinate of the slice. By default it's equal to 0.
  • "yEnd" (integer) - The ending y-axis coordinate of the slice. By default it's equal to the height of an original image.

Example request:

GET localhost:8000/augmentation/crop?xBegin=0&xEnd=100&yBegin=40&yEnd=150 HTTP/1.1

GET /augmentation/rotate

The endpoint returns encoded rotated image. The rotation is performed around the center of an image. Available parameters:

  • "angle" (integer except 0) - The number of (counterclockwise) degrees by which you want to rotate the image. This is required parameter.
  • "scale" (floating point number) - The scale of the rotating image. By default it's equal to 1.0 (the same dimensions as an input image).

Example request:

GET localhost:8000/augmentation/rotate?angle=-90&scale=1.5 HTTP/1.1

GET /augmentation/negative

The endpoint returns encoded image after negative transformation. This endpoint doesn't take any parameters.

Example request:

GET localhost:8000/augmentation/negative HTTP/1.1

Testing script

The script sends a request with an encoded image file and saves received augmented image file. The script is located at testing_script/get_augmentation.py


Usage of the script:

./get_augmentation.py [options]

Available options:

  • -h, --help
    • shows the help message
  • -i PATH, --input PATH
    • takes an input image path relative to testing_script/ (required)
  • -o PATH, --output PATH
    • takes an output image path relative to testing_script/ (required)
  • -u URL, --url URL
    • takes a URL to REST API (required)
  • --resize WIDTH HEIGHT
  • --interpolation INTERPOLATION
  • --rotate ANGLE_IN_DEGREES
  • --scale SCALE
  • --negative


./get_augmentation.py -i img_examples/white-king.jpg -o output.jpg --url http://localhost:8000 --resize 50 50


  • python - 3.8.8
  • django - 3.2.2
  • djangorestframework - 3.12.4
  • opencv - 4.5.2
  • pillow - 8.0.0
  • numpy - 1.19.2
  • requests - 2.25.1