
Release history of Authen-Radius

Primary LanguagePerl

This is RadiusPerl version 0.13. RadiusPerl is a Perl 5 module (Radius.pm)
which allows you to communicate with a Radius server from Perl. You can
just authenticate usernames/passwords via Radius, or comletely imitate
AAA requests and process server response. 

IMPORTANT: As of v0.04 the name of this module has changed to Authen::Radius,
           instead of just 'Radius'.
           Please update your scripts accordingly!

See the file 'INSTALL' for installation instructions. See the file 'Changes' 
for modifications or new additions to the module interface. Type 'perldoc 
Authen::Radius' for a quick synopsis of the available methods.

RadiusPerl currently is developed & tested on FreeBSD (originally on Linux). 
It should run on any Perl 5 supported platform though. Let me know if it 
doesn't work on your machine (and *why* you think it doesn't work :).

I welcome any feedback, enhancements, new ideas etc. for this module. Please
send them to carl@miskatonic.inbe.net or to the andrew@portaone.com (current
maintainer of the module).

RadiusPerl is (c)1997 Carl Declerck. See the Perl Artistic License for
copying and usage policy.

That's it!

Carl Declerck, Andrew Zhilenko