
Text utilities and datasets for PyTorch

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

PyTorch-NLP is a library for Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python. It's built with the very latest research in mind and was designed from day one to support rapid prototyping. PyTorch-NLP comes with pre-trained embeddings, samplers, dataset loaders, metrics, neural network modules and text encoders. It's open-source software, released under the BSD3 license.

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Make sure you have Python 3.5+ and PyTorch 0.2.0 or newer. You can then install pytorch-nlp using pip:

pip install pytorch-nlp

Optional requirements

If you want to use English tokenizer from SpaCy <http://spacy.io/>, you need to install SpaCy and download its English model:

pip install spacy
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

Alternatively, you might want to use Moses tokenizer from NLTK <http://nltk.org/>. You have to install NLTK and download the data needed:

pip install nltk
python -m nltk.downloader perluniprops nonbreaking_prefixes

Documentation 📖

The complete documentation for PyTorch-NLP is available via our ReadTheDocs website.


PyTorch-NLP is designed to be intuitive, linear in thought and easy to use.

  • Load FastText, state-of-the-art English word vectors.

    from torchnlp.embeddings import FastText
    vectors = FastText()
    vectors['hello']  # [torch.FloatTensor of size 100]
  • Load datasets like IMDB.

    from torchnlp.datasets import imdb_dataset
    train = imdb_dataset(train=True)
    train[0]  # {'text': 'For a movie that gets..', 'sentiment': 'pos'}
  • Compute the BLEU Score with torchnlp.metrics.

    from torchnlp.metrics import get_moses_multi_bleu
    hypotheses = ["The brown fox jumps over the dog 笑"]
    references = ["The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 笑"]
    get_moses_multi_bleu(hypotheses, references, lowercase=True)  # 47.9


We've released PyTorch-NLP because we found a lack of basic toolkits for NLP in PyTorch. We hope that other organizations can benefit from the project. We are thankful for any contributions from the community.

Contributing Guide

Read our contributing guide to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes to PyTorch-NLP.

Logo Credits

Thanks to Chloe Yeo for her logo design.