
Source code for the core gameplay components of Estranged: The Departure

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Source code for the core gameplay module used by Estranged: The Departure.


  • Unreal Engine 4.24.x

Key Concepts

  • EstBaseCharacter - root of all characters, inherits from ACharacter
    • EstPlayer - player character, includes interaction and picking up mechanics, and tracking of resources (energy, power)
  • EstBaseWeapon - root of all weapons, inherits from AActor
    • EstFirearmWeapon - a weapon that can fire projectiles
  • EstCharacterMovementComponent - provides additional movement like sprinting, responsible for scheduling footstep sounds
  • EstFirearmAmunition - component providing tracking of bullets / clips for a specific type of amunition
  • EstPlayerController - controller providing main menu visibility management