Developer Instructions


You will need the following tools:

  • Composer
  • Node
  • NPM
  • Docker
  • Git
  • GitHub account
  • An IDE of your choice, such as:
    • PHP Storm (preferred)
    • VSCode

Source Control

We follow the GitHub Flow. Read more about it here

  • External developers should fork and clone the repository, then create a branch.
  • Project team developers should create a branch named with the issue tracker ID and description.


At project root /, execute the following commands:

  • npm install to install all the packages
  • composer update to install the libraries and dependencies


  1. Coding Standards:

    • Configure your IDE to use PHP Code Sniffer with the /phpcs.xml file. Follow the instructions here
    • Configure your IDE to adopt WP coding layouts. Here is how you can do it in PHPStorm
  2. Development should be done in the /load-html-files project subdirectory. This is the plugin development source. If you use wp-env (recommended), the mapping happens automatically. Otherwise, your development installation should map /meet-my-team to your-local-install/wp-content/plugins/meet-my-team.

    In PHPStorm, you can use auto deployment mapping, or use a symbolic link or another method such as a local VSCode deployment method for this.

  3. Local Development:

    The project is setup so you can use wp-env as a local dev environment. You will find a quick start guide here.

    If you require a local configuration of wp-env, you can use .wp-env.override.json, which is ignored by Git. Running wp-env start --xdebug in the project root starts a local dev environment with xdebug enabled on localhost:8720. Here, /load-html-file is mapped into plugins.


Run composer check in the project file to check for issues. Pushing to GitHub will trigger the check automation.

Create a Pull Request

Create a detailed pull request for review.

Release Manager Only Tasks

Build for Release

Ensure versions are updated in the root PHP and readme.txt.

Run gulp build. This command copies everything from /load-html-file to /dist, removes unnecessary development code, and creates a zip in /zipped.

Then, commit the branch and tag with the release e.g. 5.4.5. Merge the version branch with master and push it to GitHub.


Move the zip to the local directory and run the private script update_wp_free_plugin.

Update this

Periodically update this file if process changes, or if more clarity or extended information is required.