Example Plugin for Display Eventbrite Events calling shorcodes

This is an example plugin for displaying Eventbrite Events in Wordpress using shortcodes. It togglee between two views: a list view and a calendar view.

Usage: [wfea-toggle]

Detailed Explanation

The plugin enqueue a jQuery script wfea-toogle.js which hides the calendar view and then on button click toggles between the two views. To add feel the buttons are disabled and enabled as required. The two shortcodes are rendered in their own

so the jQuery can hde and show them as required. There is a CSS file wfea-toggle.css which is enqueued but is empty and there just for completeness.


  1. Download the zip ( green button on the right, saying CODE ).
  2. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wfea-toggle directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress


This is an example. Feel free to clone and make your own changes.


GPL2 or later


This plugin assume you have premium version of Display Eventbrite Events plugin installed and activated.It does not check.