A React Native boilerplate for JHipster apps, complete with authentication, an entity generator, and more.
This module uses Infinite Red's Ignite generator and is based off of ignite-ir-boilerplate-2016.
For a quick tour, check out the Sample Application for Android, the YouTube Demo or the blog post.
- App Config Variables
- Generators and Plugins
- Project Structure
- OAuth2 OIDC Login
- Social Login
- Websockets
- JHipster Version Compatibility
- Upgrading Your Ignite JHipster App
- Advanced Usage
- Node v8+
- Verify version with
node -v
- Verify version with
- React Native setup
- ignite-cli installed (>= v2.0.0)
- Install with
npm install -g ignite-cli
- Verify version with
ignite --version
- Install with
- Not required, Reactotron makes debugging super simple and comes preconfigured
To generate an app, run the following command:
ignite new SampleApp --boilerplate ignite-jhipster
Answer the prompts (enter the path to your JHipster app and choose any plugins you want) and wait for the project to finish generation.
The generator will create a new directory containing the project. It also sets up the Android and iOS app directories.
After generating, you can use the entity generator and other commands.