
A Raspberry PI C++ library with python bindings for controlling Holiday Time RF outlets.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

RFOutlet library

A Raspberry PI C++ library with python bindings for controlling Holiday Time RF outlets.

It needs a 315 MHz transmitter module hooked up to a GPIO pin.

The outlets are specified with a board revision, channel, and outlet number.

If unsure of the board revision, try REV2 and REV3.


  • CMake 2.8 or Python 2 or 3

How to use

  • Executable command line interface for sending one shot on/off commands
    ./rfoutlet [gpio-pin] [product-revision] [channel] [number] [on/off]
  • Python object
    import pyrfoutlet
    import logging
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # Get log messages from pyrfoutlet
    pin = 4
    rfoutlet = pyrfoutlet.RFOutlet(pin)
    product = pyrfoutlet.parseProduct("REV3")
    channel = "F"
    outlet = 1


  • MIT License

Any questions please contact: me@alan.fish