
HomeAssistant Integration Template

Primary LanguagePython

Creating a HomeAssistant integration is a tedious and frustrating, but ultimately rewarding, experience. This template aims to make the process straightforward, without requiring you to learn the HomeAssistant architecture from the ground up.


This is an opinionated template, which means it make some assumptions.

  • Each entry in your integration's configuration will represent one physical device (i.e. your integration_type in manifest.json will be 'device')
  • You want to poll your device for data at regular intervals (i.e. your iot_class in mainifest.json ends with '_polling')
  • You want to configure the integration using the UI (i.e. users are not required to manually edit configuration.yaml)



  • Set iot_class in manifest.json to either cloud_polling or local_polling
  • Add your Python 3rd party library requirements to manifest.json



  • The platform types you will use should in the PLATFORMS list in init.py

IOT Class

  • If iot_class ends with *_polling, then you should use a DataUpdateCoordinator

See: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/creating_integration_manifest/#iot-class