Share your Immich photos and albums in a safe way without exposing your Immich instance to the public.
- 1
- 1
- 11
Videos don't play in Edge on Windows
#30 opened by alangrainger - 17
Videos don't play on iOS
#25 opened by scalerow - 6
404 trying to access page
#22 opened by rossdargan - 10
- 1
Password protected share returns garbled web page
#20 opened by zejar - 1
- 0
- 2
How do I use this with Tailscale / Taefik?
#13 opened by wrapper - 1
- 4
Unable to share pictures via public proxy
#12 opened by rufflestomp - 0
- 2
- 8
Build the docker image
#1 opened by rursache - 0
Sharing an album returns no images
#4 opened by alangrainger