
Pdf reader app with Note taking, Annotations, collaboration, LLM integration, Flashcards generation (w. feedbacks)!

Primary LanguageTypeScript


a PDF reader app designed to revolutionise your learning experience!

🚀 Developed with features like:
📝 Annotation, note-taking, and collaboration tools
📚 Integrates with LLM for enhanced learning
💡 Generates flashcards with LLM feedback

Originally started as a hackathon project and ended up winning 🥇!, Uxie has since evolved with even more exciting features.
Best part? It's completely free (for as long as I can bear the cost XD) and open-source. I'd love for you to give Uxie a try and share your valuable feedback.

Built using

  • Nextjs App dir For the frontend and serverless api routes
  • tRPC For typesafe api routes
  • zod For validation
  • Typescript For type safety
  • Tailwind CSS For styling
  • React Query for data fetching
  • React Hook Form for form handling
  • Shadcn UI + Radix UI For UI components
  • Supabase As the database
  • Prisma As the ORM
  • Blocknote for note taking
  • Uploadthing for storing pdfs
  • Next Auth for authentication
  • React-pdf-highlighter for pdf rendering,highlighting
  • Vercel AI SDK, Langchain for AI responses and streaming, generating flashcards + evaluating them
  • Pinecone DB for storing embeddings of pdfs
  • Fireworks AI for LLM
  • Huggingface Model for generating Embeddings
  • Liveblocks for realtime collaboration


  • Note taking, later download the note as markdown
  • Summarise, ask questions about the PDFs
  • Chat and collab with other
  • custom blocks in editor
  • highlights block which on click takes you to that highlight on the doc.
  • AI-powered text autocompletion
  • Craft simple flashcards to test your knowledge, answer questions, and receive instant feedback through AI evaluation.


  • add max length for all input boxes chat, flashcards, feedback, notes.
  • for area highlights, create a custom component with:
  1. imagelink stored on editor is base64 one => possible soln: store it as base64 to the notes, then in the same addhighlighttonotes function upload it to uploadthing, and then update the url of the block in the notes. => would prob need to create a custom block for this, else there'd be a noticable lag. => issue fixed!
  2. and the yellow leftborder which takes to the highlight on click
  • implement ratelimit using redis kv => checkout upstash

  • profile how long pinecone takes for retrieval of embeddings, and maybe look into upstash embedding storage for this (or pgvector?)

  • add download flashcards in csv,anki format ( apkg format), also add dl notes in pdf format (html2pdf lib should work)

  • better error,loading pages => abstract this logic to hook / component

  • editor loads with empty data before the data is loaded.

  • see if u can see all the users (also typing status for chat: refer) in the liveblocks room, (and display it at top)

  • fix .tippy-arrow appearing on screen at all times => added a temp fix. still appears when hovered over the pdf reader

  • abstract userIsOwner and userHasAccess (either collab or owner) logic. progress: => api called experimental_standaloneMiddleware but

    1. it requries the types for the entire input, the only way seems to be putting any for the rest => losing typesafety for the whole route
    2. most times data is returned from this, so query will also run twice

    solution seems to be => create separate helper functions (take where, select, etc as params: use relevant prisma types to match each.)

  • fix the size of the highlight popover on small screens

New ideas

  • use background runner or something and do long-polling
  • see if the liveblocks stuff can be replaced w. sockets refer
  • maybe swap uploadthing with cloudinary => also provides the getFirstPage of pdf thing, and use ocr (document the prices.)
  • Run the seogets script

Pinecone Setting up guide

  • Create index => Dimensions = 768, Metric = Cosine