Not meant for production

This is currently meant only for testing Mautic's auth plugins.

Plugin Setup

  1. Copy MauticSSOBundle into /plugins of Mautic.
  2. Delete the cache /app/cache/dev
  3. Browse to /s/plugins and click the Install/Upgrade Plugins button
  4. Configure a SSO provider (note the callback url for the SSO Provider Setup

SSO Provider Setup


  1. Register a new application
  2. Use the client ID and secret when configuring the plugin's integration


  1. Login to Google's developer console
  2. Browse to APIs & Auth -> Credentials
  3. Click Add Credentials then OAuth 2.0 Client ID
  4. Configure the credentials
  5. Use the client ID and secret when configuring the plugin's integration

Local authorized Users

For demonstration of authorizing a login via the form, add the following to /app/config/local.php and fill in the details. Note that the password must be encrypted with bcrypt (easiest way is to copy in a password from Mautic's users table).

	'authorized_users' => array(
		'custom_username' => array(
			'firstname' => '',
			'lastname'  => '',
			'password'  => '',
			'email'     => ''

Delete the cache then try to login with the above. The user will be created in Mautic's Users table and given role ID#1.