
Simple extension to save you the click on opening "Fallen London" Wiki

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

FL 1-Click Wiki

License GitHub release (latest by date) Chrome Web Store Mozilla Add-on Whitelisted by FBG User count


Simple browser extension for Fallen London that saves you some clicks on opening FL Wiki pages about specific storylets.

Grab it from:

Manual installation


  1. Download .ZIP file from the "Releases" page.
  2. Unzip that file somewhere on your computer.
  3. Open Chrome.
  4. Go to chrome://extensions and
  5. Check the box for "Developer Mode" (top right corner).
  6. Click Load unpacked extension and select the folder where you unzipped the file.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Download .ZIP file from the "Releases" page.
  2. Unzip that file somewhere on your computer.
  3. Open about:debugging page.
  4. Click Load Temporary Add-On
  5. Select any file in the folder where you unzipped the archive.


  1. Download .ZIP file from the "Releases" page.
  2. Unzip that file somewhere on your computer.
  3. Open opera:extensions page.
  4. Enable "Developer Mode" (top right corner).
  5. Click Load unpacked and select the folder where you unzipped the file.

Special thanks

  • Asarta - for supplying valuable ideas (but not solutions, tho).
  • MadeOfMagicAndWires - for fixing the issue with button appearing everywhere.
  • Thorsb - for bringing his expertise about FL Wiki and fixing things.
  • Konstantin Kotenko - for his tireless efforts on keeping us in sync with the reality.