

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project aims to be a place for the gaming community to share their reviews of various video games via playthrough entries, and compare their thoughts to other users.


Make sure you have Node.js installed.


Run the following commands in the terminal:

git clone https://github.com/alanhwu/SaveStates.git
cd SaveStates/save_states && npm install
npm start

To start the backend servers, run node start_db.js. Then visit localhost:3000 in your browser of choice.

How this project is organized

The general file structure for this project is as follows:

README.md (You are here!)
└─── package.json
└─── package-lock.json
└─── start_db.js
└─── src/
      └─── index.js
      └─── Homepage.js
      └─── Gamepage.js
      └─── ...
└─── databases/
      └─── user_info.db
      └─── games.db
      └─── ...
└─── public/
      └─── logo.png
      └─── ...


The package.json file contains a bunch of macros and instructions for how npm (Node Package Manager) handles dependencies and different commands. The main thing to take note of is the section under scripts, which defines commands such as npm start (which you use to start the project).


This file contains the script necessary to locally host our databases (in databases/) at localhost:3001, as well as allow for interaction with the databases. There are functions to query the databases, as well as add/change/remove items from them.


This folder contains the source files for the various webpages, which are written mostly in JSX. Chief among these is src/index.js, which uses routes to define how all of the webpages link to each other.


This file utilizes Routes from the react-router-dom dependency to redirect the user between various webpages. One can think of the webpages in this project as belonging to a POSIX-esque file tree, where / is the homepage and other pages are given paths like /gamepage. In fact, this is exactly what is accomplished in src/index.js, as seen below:

<Route path="/" element={<Homepage />}/>
<Route path="/game" element={<Gamepage />}/>
<Route path="/login" element={<Login />}/>

For example, the second line in the code snippet above defines the file path /game to use the file src/Gamepage.js for its contents. You can verify this yourself by visiting localhost:3000/game?Mario (where Mario is a search query).

src/[Other files].js

These files house the actual webpages themselves, and simply contain a function that returns the contents of the webpage. Of note is the Link XML tag, which allows for redirects between pages using the aforementioned / file tree schema for organizing the webpages. Most of these pages utlilize the APIs in start_db.js in order to dynamically populate the page contents.


Contains the backend databases that contain all of the data. In this project we have three databases:

  • user_info.db---Stores information about the user, such as username, followers, etc.
  • games.db---Stores information about the games, such as Name, CoverArt, etc.
  • reviews.db---Stores information about the games, such as entryName, entryRating, etc.


Contains some auto-generated files that ensure the project runs.