typescript react npm jest
Run npm run start
in root directory. The application will use http://localhost:3000/
- /src/app/components
- Root component that contains the switch and routes for all the UI components including Dashboard, Profile and Game components
- /src/app/components/navigation
- UI contains the top navigation bar with the links for the various page routes such as Dashboard,
- /src/app/components/dashboard
- UI displays the top navbar, and the user's game statistics such as all the games they have played/if they won or lost
- Contains the create game button that allows users to start a new game, see the win/loss/draw record of themselves and others, see game moves of completed games, join an existing game that needs players.
- /src/game/components
- UI contains the game board that displays the users cards and the the opposing players cards face down in circle.
- Contains a real time game log that displays all events that occur in the game
- If users turn, set timer for turn limit - detect if their session ended or closed browser
- Communicates with the server to store game state in the Game table in the database
- Parameters, return types
- When user creates a game, they must invite at least one player and at most 5.
- Number of chips and ante inputs only accepts numeric values and positive integers and less than a million.
- /src/profile/components
- UI displays the user's data such as name, email and profile picture