
manage a neo4j server installation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


manage a neo4j server installation


npm install neo4j-supervisor


var supervise = require('neo4j-supervisor');
var neo = supervise('/potato/neo4j');

neo.clean(function(err) { ... }); // purge all data from the database
neo.running(function(yep) { ... }); // check if instance is running
neo.start(function() { ... }); // start an instance
//... etc - see below for a list of available functions


doesn't work on windows. :~~[


all the callbacks are in the format function(err, output) unless otherwise specified

  • neo.clean(cb) - purge all data from the database. this is rather forceful - it physically wipes that data from the disk. therefore I don't suggest trying it while the server is running. (but if you feel like trying it, go ahead! i won't stop you.)
  • neo.running(cb) - check if the server is running. callback is given one arg, a boolean that's set to true if the server is running
  • neo.start(cb) - start the server
  • neo.stop(cb) - stop the server
  • neo.restart(cb) - restart the server
  • neo.config([key], [value], cb) - either get all of the server's configuration values (as an obj), or a single key, or set a value, depending on which args are passed (key and value are optional).
  • neo.port([port], cb) - if port is specified, set the port of the server to port. otherwise, get the port of the server.
  • neo.host([host], cb) - same as port, but with hostname.
  • neo.pid(cb) - find the pid of the server or null
  • neo.endpoint(cb) - get the endpoint configuration of the server. calls back with an object containing server—the location of the server with protocol and port, and endpoint—the path of the api endpoint on top of server. this conveniently fits straight into seraph.