
Blog site created by our project team

Primary LanguageHTML

Psara - derived from the Filipino word pisara which literally means blackboard.
We aim to be a medium where people can share information and express themselves on the internet.

1. Run npm install to install the node modules needed for the Psara web site

2. Then run app.js to start the server

3. Psara Blog site uses a WYSIWYG editor which has files in the 'wysiwyg-editor-node-sdk' folder

4. blog-db-init.sql contains all the SQL statements needed to initialise the database.
Only the admin account was initially set up and the subsequent database entries have been done through the site.

5. All tests were conducted on the Chrome browser

6. You can use any of these accounts to test the site:
    Username: antman    Password: 12345
    Username: captainamerica    Password: 12345

7. public/uploads folder already contains multimedia that are used in the site.

We hope you enjoy using the Psara Blog Site!

Team Psara:
- Alan Mangalindan
- Harriet Tatila
- Martin Read
- Monica Zhang