
Spectral numerical method to solve Kolmogorov equations

Primary LanguagePython

Numerical approximation of the stochastic Burgers equation and stochastic Fisher–KPP equation.

Within each folder there are Python codes, these codes numerically solve the Kolmogorov equation associated with the equation of interest.

pySpectralFPK: Solver for Burgers' Equation (building)

Code style: black License: MIT

pySpectralFPK is a Python package for solving Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (SPDEs) using spectral methods, also contains plot tools to built 3D or 2D graphics about solutions.

Two examples are showed for Burgers' and Fisher's equation in it's stochastic versions. The associated differential operators are computed using a numba-compiled implementation of spectral methods. This allows defining, inspecting, and solving typical PDEs that appear for instance in the study of dynamical systems in physics. The focus of the package lies on easy usage to explore the behavior of SPDEs. However, core computations can be compiled transparently using numba for speed.

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pySpectralFPK is available on pypi, so you should be able to install it through pip:

pip install pySpectralFPK


A simple example showing the evolution of the deterministic equation in 1d:

from numpy import sin, pi, linspace
from pySpectralFPK import FPK_solver

def u0(x):
    Initial Condition
    x : array or float;
        Real space
    array or float : Initial condition evaluated in the real space
    return sin(pi * x)

# setting parameters
params = dict(nu=0.01, x=linspace(0, 1, 256), t=linspace(0, 10, 128), N=5)

# solve the pde
result = FPK_solver(u0=u0, params=params, equation="burgers")

# plot and save

which can be solved for different values of Diffusion coefficient in the example above.

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