
Flight-Booking system using Spring Boot, Html, Thymeleaf, SQL for OOPS project

Primary LanguageCSS


Our team has designed a flight management system, a web application for booking and managing flights, built in Java, using Spring Boot framework. Our management system can find flights, book flights with seat selection and cancel flights. Using modern HTML and CSS, the website has the look and feel of a modern web application. The application is equipped with an SQL database for storing all flight and user information. Our application’s backend is built in Java using Spring Boot. Spring Boot is an open source Java-based framework used to create micro Service. It is used to build stand-alone and production ready applications. The application can directly be embedded and run on a local server such as Apache Tomcat. We have used the Spring Web MVC dependency and Thymeleaf for passing data from and to HTML. The web pages are made using HTML 5 and designed using CSS. The sophisticated database structure is employed to store, retrieve and manage data. SQL is used for the database and the queries were called from Java using JDBC API.


Documentation Images folder has no use in execution of code and is only used for README.md file

Made using:

  • Java
  • MySQL
  • JDBC
  • Spring Boot
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Thymeleaf
  • Apache Tomcat

Structure of Databases:

1.) userdata

2.) allflightnum

3.) flightseats

4.) userflights


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Available Flights:

Seat Selection:

Booking Summary:

Manage Booked Flights:

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