
Primary LanguagePython

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS (bootstrap, materialize)
  • Python
  • Django
  • PSQL
  • Amazon S3
  • Javascript


Welcome to the webapp that allows people to keep track of their expenses and save time calculating how much money to pay one another.

And just so you know, this webapp isn't just for households; it can be used however you like! For example, if you want to keep track of splitting money for a trip or other ways, you can also create a "household" with you and other members.

Let's get started and walk you through how to use the app.

My Households

When you click on "My Households" tab at the top, you will be able to view all the households that you are a part of. Create a new household if this is your first time around.

Edit Household

Once you've created your household, you can now view your household dashboard by clicking on "VIEW HOUSEHOLD DASHBOARD". Here is where you can edit your household and add other members to your household. Please note: the creator of the household cannot be removed from it.

Add Expenses

When you incur an expense, such as an electricity bill or even your monthly rent, you can use "ADD EXPENSE" to enter that expense to the household.

Keeping Track Of Who Owes You Money

Once your household is created and you've listed an expense, you will see the expense's cost split on the right side of the page.

As more expenses are added by other users, the ledger will calculate how much everyone is owed, based on who paid for the expense and who is still oweing on it.

Once one of your household members has paid their share on the expense, you can click on "PAID" to remove them from the split.

Next Steps

Next steps, we would like to add a function where household members can split their chores as well. We would also like to connect this webapp to paypal where the household members will be able to send money for the expenses through our webapp.

Link to Pitch Deck:


Link to Trello:


Link to Heroku:


Developer Profiles:

Alanna Tai's Github

Cody Breen's Github

Emily Chow's Github

Louis Pham's Github