A minimalist electron app to vizualize your GitHub starred repositories.
- Visualize your starred repos in a cards layout
- Fast UI
- Keep your starred repos open
- (personal) Learn about graph-ql client-side
- (personal) I wanted to play with Vue and Electron
- Add app's menu
Only macOS build is available for now. You're welcome to build the app for your own platform and then send me a pull request :)
Folow these steps to develop gitstars
# with yarn
# clone the repo to your local env
git clone https://github.com/rootasjey/gitstars.git
# install dependencies
# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
yarn run dev
# build electron application for production
yarn run build
# run unit tests
yarn run test
# lint all JS/Vue component files in `src/`
yarn run lint
# with npm
# clone the repo to your local env
git clone https://github.com/rootasjey/gitstars.git
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
npm run dev
# build electron application for production
npm run build
# run unit tests
npm test
# lint all JS/Vue component files in `src/`
npm run lint
This app uses: