
Easier transport package creation for ModX 2.2+

Primary LanguagePHP

#Modx Transport Package Wizard# ###An easier way to create Transport Packages for Modx 2.2+###

This project aims to create an easy-to-use library API for the Modx xPDO modPackageBuilder. While it will never be as powerful as the natice packager, it's focus is on rapid deployment; putting together a package of various native elements for transport in a few lines of code rather than spending time debugging a low-level build script.

If you are looking for a gui-based package builder, check out PackMan

/* Initialise the Wizard class */
$Package = new TransportPackageWizard(array(
  				DEFINE => array(
							'MODX_CORE_PATH' => dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/core/',
							'PKG_NAME' => 'My Package Name',
							'PKG_NAME_LOWER' => 'mypackagename',
							'PKG_VERSION' => '1.0',
							'PKG_RELEASE' => 'beta1'

/* Add files & directories to package */
$Package->addDirectory('path/to/directory', "{assets_path}components/mypackagename/");

/* Create a Category element */
$myCategory = $Package->addCategory('My Category Name'); 

/* Add Elements to the category */

/* Add Template to category (2nd param `true` to include all associated TVs) */

/* Add Resources to transport (2nd param `true` to include child resources) */

/* Set a new System Setting after install */

/* Update an existing System Setting after install */

/* Build the transport package for deployment */