
About me

Photo of myself

Hi! I am a passionate Frontend developer. Web attracts me with its versatility — it stands at the intersection of programming and design, the ability to make cross-platform applications and the fact that it does not let me relax — every year I am convinced that the web is limitless and does not stand still, so if you want to keep up with it, you need to constantly progress.

I have deep knowledge of JavaScript: lexical environment, execution context, execution stack and how the JavaScript engine uses them, event loop, micro and macro tasks, prototypical inheritance, etc.

I understand how React works under the hood and optimises the performance of the application using Rendering and Reconciliation.

I know what various tags in HTML5 are for and how to optimize CSS animation.

As I progress in my area, I look towards Computer Science — it is interesting and helps me to grow in my field: I took a CS50 course (used C and Python), studied basic algorithms and their complexity assessment, as well as various programming patterns (Observer, Iterator, Generator, etc.), architecture principles (DRY, YAGNI, SOLID) and unification of them (MVC).

Therefore, I want to get into an ambitious project with interesting tasks in order to continue to grow and improve existing knowledge.


Frontend Developer at Yandex (June 2021 — August 2022)

Worked on a project for internal partners, making it easier for them to attract taxi drivers to the Yandex Go service. In my work I used React, Redux, React Query and our internal Superweb library containing components and helpers for working with time, translations and more.

One of my big tasks was the transfer of the project to the new technologies of the team. At the beginning, the project used Redux, Router tied to it, npm, SSR and self-written code for solving other problems. Webpack was used for assembly. Eventually:

  • I removed SSR as it was not really needed;
  • Configured the project to use yarn and its Plug'n'Play mode;
  • Configured to use the Vite build tool instead of Webpack;

Intern Frontend Developer at Yandex (February 2021 — June 2021)

Worked in the Yandex Plus team. My main task was to write a test platform. The tasks of the platform included the implementation of the unit, snapshot and screenshot of tests. During this time, I managed to analyze the tools available for solving the tasks and chose the most suitable ones. I implemented part of the functionality with unit and snapshot tests. I also touched on the implementation of the screenshot tests, but did not have time to bring it to its logical conclusion.


  • Responsive HTML/CSS
  • CSS preprocessors (LESS/SASS)
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • Javascript Frameworks (React, as hobby Vue and Svelte)
  • State management (Redux)
  • Testing
  • Application design principles
  • MVC
  • Object-oriented programming (OOP)
  • Git
  • Figma


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