
Sandbox to explore sklearn basics

Primary LanguagePython


Collection of examples getting started with ML utilizing SkLearn





$: mkdir venv
$: cd venv
$: virtualenv -p python3 sklearn
$: source sklearn/bin/activate
$: pip install scipy
$: pip install numpy
$: pip install pandas
$: pip install scikit-learn
$: pip install matplotlib
$: pip install urllib3

Activate / Deactivate

$: cd to path sub parent folder of sklearn virtualenv
$: source sklearn/bin/activate
$: deactivate


If error running, make sure libusb is installed and a multi threaded openCV version

$: brew install libusb
$: brew install opencv --with-tbb --with-python --with-ffpmeg


Install xcode command line tools: $ xcode-select --install Install brew : $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)" Install python in brew : $ brew install python Install pip : $ sudo easy_install pip Install virtual env : $ pip install --upgrade virtualenv Create a new virtual envirnment : $ virtualenv --system-site-packages newVitualEnvDirectory # for Python 2.7 Go to virtual environment : $ cd newVitualEnvDirectory Activate this virtual env : $ source ./bin/activate (this will activate newVitualEnvDirectory ) Install modules/packages : (newVitualEnvDirectory)$ easy_install -U pip Install modules/packages : (newVitualEnvDirectory)$ pip install --upgrade tensorflow Install modules/packages : (newVitualEnvDirectory)$ pip install --upgrade scipy pandas numpy scikit-learn

Note, There are issues in High Sierra using pip directly: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20877106/using-intellijidea-within-an-existing-virtualenv

PyCharm setup:

  1. In the Settings/Preferences dialog (⌘,), select Project: | Project Interpreter.
  2. Open "Project Interpreter" drop down, select "Show All..."
  3. Click '+' in dialog box to add new virtual environment
  4. In dialog box select "existing environment" with path to /pathTo/venv/sklearn/bin/python3.6