
Asynchronous communication technique for Heroku and Marketing Cloud

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Asynchronous communication technique for Heroku and Marketing Cloud

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Install packages

  • npm install
  • npm install -g typescript@2.0.3
  • npm install -g typings
  • typings install

grunt default-watch

** This will monitor local files in the src folder and generate them to the build directory **

From Marketing Cloud to Heroku

Marketing Cloud push to Heroku is done in two steps:

  • exporting DataExtention to zip file
  • loading this file to Heroku and uploading it to the PostgreSQL.

Marketing Cloud setup

Make sure your Marketing Cloud account is provisioned with Mail, Automation Studio and Enhanced FTP.

Navigate to Email app and pick Interactions -> Data Extract in the top menu.


Create three Data Exports. To get started click Create.


Fill the form and click Save. Repeat twice more.




The output is three data exports: Demo_Customers_Convert, Demo_Customers_Export, Demo_Customers_Zip.

Navigate to File Transfers and click Create


Fill the form and click Save.


Navigate to Automation Studio


Create a new Scheduled Automation


Switch to Workflow tab and select Activities from the toolbox on the right and drop them into the working area.


For each step click Choose and pick activity created earlier.

  • Step 1 - Demo_Customers_Convert,
  • Step 2 - Demo_Customers_Export,
  • Step 3 - Demo_Customers_FileTransfer,
  • Step 4 - Demo_Customers_Zip.

Save and click Run Once to verify that Automation is working. File will be moved to an ftp location.

Heroku App setup

Once the file is posted to FTP it can be loaded and copied to PostgreSQL.

Typically Export/Import jobs are run as one off dynos via scheduled jobs.

  • Ensure pg connection string is set in /src/script/load_data.ts

  • Ensure sftp credentials are set in /src/lib/fileManager.ts

  • Variables in src/script/load_data.ts:

    • pgConnectionString - to store PG connection string
    • sourceFileName - to store file name in sftp folder
    • sourceFilePath - to store file path on sftp
  • changes to src/script/load_data.sh

    • _TableName - schema.table_name value where to load data
    • _TableFields - comma separated list of fields which should match columns in the csv file.
  • run grunt default-watch to compile TypeScript

Running Job

  • Once the app is compiled, execute node /build/script/load_data.js to run it.

From Heroku to Marketing Cloud

Heroku push to Marketing Cloud is done in two steps:

  • exporting PG table to zip file and uploading it to Marketing Cloud
  • starting Automation Studio trigger and loading data to DataExtention

Heroku App setup

  • Ensure pg connection string is set in /src/script/export_data.ts

  • Ensure sftp credentials are set in /src/lib/fileManager.ts

  • variables in src/script/export_data.ts:

    • pgConnectionString - to store PG connection string
    • sourceFileName - to store file name that will be uploaded to ftp folder
    • destinationFileZipPath - to store file path on ftp
  • changes to src/script/export_data.sh

    • _SQL - sql query that generates data for export
  • run grunt default-watch to compile TypeScript

Marketing Cloud setup

Make sure your Marketing Cloud account is provisioned with Mail, Automation Studio and Enhanced FTP.

Navigate to Email app.


Navigate to Admin and then click on Data Management on the right side -> File Locations. We will create/find location from where Marketing Cloud will load exported file from Heroku.


Find/Create location where Location Type is Enhanced FTP Site Import Directory


In top menu pick Interactions -> File Transfer and then click on Create


Fill the form.


Navigate to Interactions->Import and then click Create


Fill the form


Navigate to Automation Studio


Create a new Triggered Automation


In the newly loaded window switch to Workflow tab and click on Trigger Setup


Then select Activities from the toolbox on the right and drop them into the working area.


For each step slick on 'Choose' and pick activity created earlier.

  • Step1 - Demo_Download_export_data.zip,
  • Step2 - Demo_export_data_import,

Save and make sure it's active.


Running Job

  • now your Automation is set and you can send the file from Heroku to Marketing Cloud. Execute node /build/script/export_data.js to run it.


Typescript error 1

If you run into the following error:

	typings/globals/require/index.d.ts(367,13): error TS2403: Subsequent variable declarations must have the same type.  Variable 'require' must be of type 'NodeRequire', but here has type 'Require'.

	>> 1 non-emit-preventing type warning
	>> Error: tsc return code: 2
	Warning: Task "ts:app" failed. Use --force to continue.

	Aborted due to warnings.

screenshot: screenshot


The issue is due to the module at "globals/require/index.d.ts" It appears that it is using Require instead of 'require'.

To fix this, remove the following line, from typings/index.d.s

/// <reference path="globals/require/index.d.ts" />

Cannot read property 'setUp' of null

If you run into the following error:

	not ok 1 - TypeError: Cannot read property 'setUp' of null
	    line: 285
	    column: 14
	    file: node_modules/nodeunit/lib/core.js
	    function: wrapGroup
	  stack: |
	    wrapGroup (node_modules/nodeunit/lib/core.js:285:14)
	    wrapGroup (node_modules/nodeunit/lib/core.js:306:24)
	    Object.exports.runModule (node_modules/nodeunit/lib/core.js:146:11)
	    iterate (node_modules/nodeunit/deps/async.js:123:13)
	    async.forEachSeries (node_modules/nodeunit/deps/async.js:119:20)
	    _concat (node_modules/nodeunit/deps/async.js:512:9)
	    Object.concatSeries (node_modules/nodeunit/deps/async.js:152:23)
	    Object.exports.runSuite (node_modules/nodeunit/lib/core.js:96:11)
	    Object.exports.runModule (node_modules/nodeunit/lib/core.js:158:13)
	  test: TAP
	  message: 'TypeError: Cannot read property ''setUp'' of null'
	  source: |
	    if (group.setUp) {

The issue is due to a missing null check in the nodeunit core.js file.

The issue is likely because a property was assigned null on the exports of the unit test somehow.

You can likely only find out which one it is by adding the following line at: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/nodeunit/lib/core.js before of the line 285

//Added line
if(!group) return;

See here for more information: caolan/nodeunit#198


cherchyk JesseDavid paulroth3d