sfdx - deploy and manage Salesforce data using Salesforce DX
heroku - deploy and manage a Node application using Heroku
Nibs.DX is a fun, easy to understand, example of a hybrid app using Salesforce Lightning + Heroku.
Have fun!
Clone the nibs.dx repo
git clone
Deploy the Salesforce Lightning components to your Developer Edition org
cd nibs.dx
Using Salesforce DX (sfdx) login and authorize the target Salesforce Developer Edition org
sfdx force:auth:web:login --setalias nibs-demo-org
Check (-c) the meta-data package with a mock deploy
sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -c -d sfdx/nibs-mdpkg -w 5 -u nibs-demo-org
All good - deploy the package to your Developer Edition org
sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d sfdx/nibs-mdpkg -w 5 -u nibs-demo-org
Assign the Nibs_Loyalty_App Permission Set to your Nibs User
sfdx force:user:permset:assign -n Nibs_Loyalty_App -u nibs-demo-org
Import Nibs sample data into your Developer Edition org
sfdx force:data:tree:import -f sfdx/nibs-data/Product2.json -u nibs-demo-org
sfdx force:data:tree:import -f sfdx/nibs-data/Campaign.json -u nibs-demo-org
sfdx force:data:tree:import -f sfdx/nibs-data/Store__c.json -u nibs-demo-org
Open the Nibs Demo Org to make some final configurations
sfdx force:org:open -u nibs-demo-org
a. Click on the App Selector, select Accounts in the All Items section
b. Click the New button- provide an Account Name and click the Save button
c. Copy the Account record ID from the browser URL window (the record ID is the 18 character identifier between Account/ and /view in the record URL)
Account ID == PASTE--YOURS--HERE (you will need this in a bit)
Assign the Nibs Page Layouts for the Campaign, Contact, and Product objects to the Administrator Profile
a. Open Setup -> Object Manager
b. Open Campaign -> Page Layouts -> Page Layout Assignments -> Edit Assignment
c. Select System Administrator under Profiles
d. Click in the Page Layout To Use chooser and select "Nibs Campaign Layout"
e. Click Save
f. repeat a-e for the Contact object
g. repeat a-e for the Product object
Salesforce Nibs Demo Org configuration is now complete. Woot!
Deploy and Configure the Heroku Nibs Loyalty Application
Using the Heroku CLI (heroku) create a Heroku app in the top level nibs.dx project folder
heroku create nibs-loyalty-app
(you may need to select a more unique app name . . .) -
Deploy the app code to Heroku (note we are deploying the
subtree folder, not the entire repo - this has consequences: specifically noHeroku Button
, and no auto-deploys from Github
git subtree push --prefix heroku heroku master
Provision a Heroku Postgres database
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev -a nibs-loyalty-app
Provision a logging utility
heroku addons:create papertrail:choklad -a nibs-loyalty-app
Provision Heroku Connect to sync data between Salesforce and Heroku Postgres
heroku addons:create herokuconnect:demo -a nibs-loyalty-app
Configure Heroku Connect using the Heroku Dashboard
heroku open
a. On the 'Resources' tab, in the 'Add-ons' section, click on the Heroku Connect link
b. Click on the 'Setup Connection' button
c. Ensure the 'schema name' field is 'salesforce', click on the 'Next' button
d. On the 'Authorize Connection' page click on the 'Authorize' button- provide the Username and Password for your
Developer Edition org, and - Log In
- provide the Username and Password for your
Initial Heroku Connect configuration is complete and you are now connected to your Salesforce Developer Edition org.
Complete the configuration by providing the mappings for data in Salesforce to data into Heroku Postgres and sync the data
On the Heroku Connect administration page click on the Settings tab and select *Import/Export Configuration
a. Click the 'Import' button
b. On the 'Import Connection Config' page, click on the 'Choose File' button
c. Navigate to your 'Nibs.DX/heroku' folder, select thenibs-connect-mappings.json
file, click the 'Open' button
d. On the 'Import Connection Config' page, click on the 'Upload' button -
On the Heroku Connect administration page click on the Mappings tab, confirm these objects are displayed in the All Mappings table
- Campaign
- Contact
- Interaction__c
- Product2
- Store__c
Heroku Connect configuration and mappings are complete - data is now actively synchronzing between Salesforce and Heroku Postgres
Almost done
Associate all new Nibs signups with a Salesforce Account (so we can report on consumer selections and preferences)
a. Update the nibs-loyalty-app with a config var to reference the Account record
heroku config:set CONTACTS_ACCOUNT_ID=0011U000005SYA0QAO -a nibs-loyalty-app
Setup and configuration are complete
Open the nibs-loyalty-app, sign up, re-enter your creds, and nom nom :)
heroku open nibs-loyalty-app
Thank you for using Nibs!
Questions, comments, contributions, and issues are all welcome
heroku open
Legacy Nibs Changes
Updated: 7/22/2015
Modify product selection query to filter on the 'family' column - defaults to selecting products where 'family' is 'Nibs' -
this can be overridden by setting the PRODUCT_FAMILY config variable
Updated: 4/21/2015
Split 'salesforce' schema sql init commands into a separate command. Run 'npm run init_salesforce_schema' now
to intialize the database **without** Heroku Connect.