
Terraform IAC: ECS Fargate architecture with automated deployment with CodePipeline.

Primary LanguageHCL

Terraform IAC: ECS workflow with Fargate

This project has two goals:

  1. Create an underline architecture for ECS with Fargate and deploy latest image into AWS
  2. Create CI/CD pipeline to push Docker image from a Java git repository to ECR


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Java Container Application

This repository is used as example for the deployment Git: https://github.com/cevoaustralia/java-ecs-demo

Deployment Guide

This terraform project is divided by two modules

  1. INFRA

    • Contains all infrastructure since Networking to ECS
    • The reason to be deployed later is because ECS task definition will fail without the image on ECR
  2. CICD

    • Code Pipelien deployment
    • Connects with Java Application Git Repository
    • Push Java application docker container image into ECR
    • Deploy image into ECS


You can deploy the modules separately or all together, if is done separately the first time you will need to deploy the Infra module first

     terraform plan -target=module.infra -out=infra.tfplan
     terraform apply infra.tfplan

Then the CICD modules

     terraform plan -target=module.cicd -out=cicd.tfplan
     terraform apply cicd.tfplan

Or you can deploy all together

     terraform plan -out=tf.plan
     terraform apply tf.plan