Flixter is a Udemy clone app that allows teachers/admins to sign up and create a course. It also allows students to enroll and submit payment for a course. Ultimately creating a fun learning environment!
Technical description: A two sided video streaming marketplace platform, featuring credit card payment capabilities, user role management, complex user interfaces and advanced database relationships.
Easy to use platform for admins/teachers to make courses and make money.
Stripe API is used to precess payments by steduents purchasing courses made by teachers.
Teachers can customize couse lessons and sections.
jQuery drag and drop is used for teachers when they create their own course.
Uses Amazon Web Services (S3) for photos and videos.
Devise gem for user security, sign-in forms, etc.
Users can be bother teachers and students with restricted admin access if making a teacher course.
Shows all courses that students are enrolled into & shows all courses teachers are teaching.