
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Epsilon (or E-graph) (E-neighborhood Graph Construction)


This is an alternative Python implementation of graph construction method e-graph (e-neighborhood Graph Construction) also known epsilon graph, used in Berton and Lopes (2016) [1]. The implementation is based on Kd-tree and Multi-threading and is faster than the original described in the paper, specially for large data sets.



Epsilon execution

python main.py -f input/square.dat -e 3

Input: any numerical dataset with any delimiter for attributes

Output: a weighted undirected graph in the format: filename + '-epsilon.ncol'


Option Domain Required Default Description
-f, --filename string [FILE] yes - dataset as input file
-o, --output string [FILE] no ncol output file
-e, --e [1,inf] Float interval no 3 epsilon threshold
-t, --threads [0,n] Integer interval no 4 number of threads
-m, --format ['ncol', 'pajek'] no ncol format output file
-c, --skip_last_column bool no true skip the last column
-c, --skip_rows [1,n-1] no None Skip rows



$ pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt

Anaconda env

$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate epsilon

Anaconda create

$ conda create --name epsilon python=3.7.2
$ conda activate epsilon
$ conda install -c anaconda numpy
$ conda install -c anaconda scipy 

Known Bugs

  • Please contact the author for problems and bug report.


License and credits

  • The GNU General Public License v3.0
  • Giving credit to the author by citing the papers [1]


[1] Berton, Lilian and Faleiros, Thiago P. and Valejo, Alan and Valverde-Rebaza, Jorge Lopes, A. A., Rgcli: robust graph that considers labeled instances for semi-supervised learning, in Neurocomputing, p. 238-248, vol. 226, 2016, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2016.11.053

    author = {Berton, Lilian and Faleiros, Thiago P. and Valejo, Alan and Valverde-Rebaza, Jorge Lopes, A. A.},
    title = {Rgcli: robust graph that considers labeled instances for semi-supervised learning},
    journal = {Neurocomputing},
    year = {2016},
    pages = {238-248},
    volume = {226},
    doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2016.11.053}
© Copyright (C) 2016 Alan Valejo <alanvalejo@gmail.com> All rights reserved.