
Power your trades on MT5 with fantastic new tools.



Power your trades on Deriv MT5 with fantastic new tools. This package includes an intuitive trading platform with market alerts, research terminal, and trading ideas from the Signal Center. The tools are designed to help you follow market events and trends with asset-specific analytics and transform unstructured market data into actionable trading insights.


  • Windows OS
  • MT5 desktop terminal
  • MT5 Financial account


  1. Sign up here.
  2. Download the installation files.
  3. Log in to your MT5 desktop app.
  4. Run the installation file. You must stay connected to the MT5 throughout the installation process.
  5. Follow the instructions provided on the installation screen to complete the setup.
  6. Restart your MT5 desktop app to complete the installation.
  7. In the Navigator panel, you will see a list of the following tools in the Expert Advisors:
  • Acuity Calendar
  • Acuity Market Alerts
  • Acuity Research Terminal
  • Signal Center Trade Ideas
  1. In the Market Watch panel, right-click the mouse over any symbol and click Chart window. One new graph window will appear.
  2. In the Navigator panel, double-click the tool you want to use and click OK when the following window appears. The tool will then be added to the chart window.

Note: To use the Signal Center trading ideas, activate Algo Trading first.

If you need assistance, please contact us via chat.