
Seq2seq model with global attention implemented with PyTorch

Primary LanguagePython

Sequence to sequence implementation with PyTorch

Seq2seq model with

  • global attention
  • self-critical sequence training


  • Python 3.6
  • PyTorch 0.3
  • Spacy 2.0.4
  • Torchtext 0.2.3
  • Numpy

You can install Torchtext following: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42711144/how-can-i-install-torchtext

You need to install Spacy models specified in config.py (src_lang and trg_lang). Usually you can do this by running python -m spacy download en after installing Spacy.

Start training

  1. create models, data and log folders in the root.
  2. Prepare data files in data folder.
    • Prepare 6 files named as [train/test/valid].[src/trg], where each line in *.src is a source sentence, and in *.trg is a target sentence.
  3. You can modify the configurations in config.py
  4. Start training
    • python train.py --config <config_name> --exp <experiment_name> to train the model.


  • Define model settings in config.py and choose with --config.
  • The model will use GPU if available, add --disable_cuda to use cpu explicitly.
  • Use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 to choose GPU device. For example, CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python train.py --config chatbot_twitter.
  • Add --resume to resume from a certain saved model, specified by --config and --exp.
  • Add --early_stopping and set --patient <n> to enable early stopping, the training process will end if the validation loss doesn't decrease for n epochs, or max_epoch is reached. Without --early_stopping, we'll train the model for num_epoch epochs.
  • Set --self_critical <p> to use hybrid loss.

