Schedule Meetings Time Checker

For a supplied "times" data file containing a list of start/end times for a series of meetings scheduled during one day, it checks and reports which meetings conflict with one another.


pip install git+


usage: report_schedule [-h] -i INFILE [-d DAY]

Report which meetings are clashing with one another.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INFILE, --infile INFILE
                        input file with times
  -d DAY, --day DAY     optional day, in format YYYY-MM-DD, default is current day: 2022-01-27


$> report_schedule -i tests/times -d '2021-12-25'

>>>Meetings conflict for 2021-12-25
Meetings: <Meeting 2 @ 09:00_10:00> and <Meeting 3 @ 09:30_10:30> overlaps for 30 min (09:30 to 10:00)
Meetings: <Meeting 4 @ 10:45_13:00> and <Meeting 5 @ 12:00_13:00> overlaps for 60 min (12:00 to 13:00)

>>>Invalid Meetings, outside working hours for 2021-12-25: 08:00 to 17:00
Meeting 9 @ 18:00_19:00
Meeting 10 @ 20:00_21:00