
Getting started with the Robot Operating System

Due Date Wednesday, February 21th at 1:00PM EST
Submission log.npf and ros_exercises.zip on Gradescope (listed as two separate assignments)

Lab 1C: Intro to ROS


Before this lab: Make sure you have completed the base installation of the racecar Docker container.

The objective of the following exercises is to help you practice the most commonly used concepts in ROS. We provide a quick reference document and pointers to relevant documentation. Feel free to use all the resources available to you to learn the concepts as thoroughly as possible and complete the exercises as efficiently as possible.

Although you're encouraged to collaborate with others if you are stuck, the lab should be completed individually so you can get practice with skills that will be essential later on in the course when you are in teams. If you have general questions, please post them on Piazza so other students can benefit from the answer. If you have a question about your individual submission, please make a private post.


You are meant to complete this lab by testing your code and verifying the results on your own, as you would do in real life. Once you are confident in your answers, your lab will be graded against our automated tests. Please refer to the next section, Automated Tests for instructions on how to run these tests. You will be submitting the resulting log.npf file to "Lab 1C: Intro to ROS -- log.npf submission" on Gradescope, in addition to a zip file containing your local repository (ros_exercises.zip) to "Lab 1C: Intro to ROS -- Git repo submission".

The due date is listed at the top of this document.

Automated Tests

We will release instructions for how to generate your submission and test file this week. You will eventually generate a log.npf which you must upload to gradescope for credit.

Automatic grade Breakdown

This table shows how the different tasks will be graded by the automated grader.

Task Grade
Simple Publisher 0.5 points
Simple Subscriber 0.5 Points
Complex Publisher 0.5 Points
Complex Subscriber 1.0 Points
Launch File 0.5 Points
Total 3.0 Points

Manual Grading Portion

If you have completed all parts, you should receive a score of 3.0/5.0 on Gradescope. The rest of your score (2.0 points) will be a manual grading of your package ros_exercises by the staff of your git repository, which should be available on your GitHub account. Submit a zip file of your repository to the Gradescope assignment Lab 1C: Intro to ROS -- Git repo submission. Make sure that your zip file does not contain large folders or files that are not part of the assignments (the .git folder should not be zipped) since large zip files will probably get rejected by Gradescope.

The Manual Grade Breakdown

This table shows the grading breakdown of the manually graded portion of the lab.

Task Grade
Simple Publisher RQT Screenshot 0.1 Points
Simple Subscriber RQT screenshot 0.1 Points
Fake Scan RViz ScreenShot 0.1 Points
Open Space Publisher RQT Screenshot 0.2 Points
Custom Message file inspection 0.2 Points
Launch file inspection 0.1 Points
Setting ROS parameters 0.2 Points
TF Exercises 1 Point
Total 2.0 Points

References (These are not the exercises)

The following are selected chapters from the ROS2 Documentation and Tutorials. If you understand all the concepts covered in these exercises, you will be ready for the exercises of this lab (given below) and most of the ROS-related tasks you will be performing throughout the first few labs. For more on ROS, visit the ROS2 Wiki section and follow the links to learn more.

Additionally, a useful ROS cheatsheet can be found here.

Note: We are using ROS FOXY and colcon for this class. Make sure the documentation you are looking at is for the correct build/distribution.

  1. Packages
    a. Managing a colcon workspace
    b. Create ROS python package

  2. Messages
    a. ROS Messages
    b. Creating custom messages
    c. Common ros message categories

  3. Nodes
    a. ROS Nodes
    b. Writing Publisher and Subscriber(Python)

  4. Topics
    a. ROS Topics

  5. Launch Files
    a. ROS Launch
    b. Launch system

  6. Parameters
    a. Parameter

  7. Visualization Tools
    a. rqt
    - rqt
    - rqt_graph
    b. RViz (most features are ported over from ROS 1)
    - User Guide and original
    - Interactive Markers
    - Tutorials

  8. TF2

  9. Rosbag
    a. Rosbag

Note: Some useful debugging hints are provided at the end of this document.

ROS Exercises

Create a package and build it

The racecar docker image already has a workspace installed called racecar_ws (for last year, we used ROS 1 with a Catkin workspace but that is no longer the case this year).

If you are not using docker to run ROS (e.g. using a virtual machine or a manual install), make sure to create your own workspace.

Inside your workspace, create a new PYTHON BASED (not C++ based) package (this means that the keyword ament_python will be in the command to create the package), named ros_exercises/, which should depend on rclpy, std_msgs, and sensor_msgs. Your package (ros_exercises) should live in the /src/ directory, where you add other packages (such as other labs later on). Make your ros_exercises a git repo. After creating the workspace and the package, you should have the following directory layout.

  • ~/racecar_ws[your colcon workspace]
    • /src
      • /ros_exercises[Your package]
      • [other ros related files and packages if any]
    • /install
    • /log
    • /build

Additionally, every time you make an edit to your files, make sure to run colcon build to build your package and source your setup.bash file so you use the underlaid build of your package (forgetting to source this file can cause some confusing situations, so make sure to always perform this step after colcon build!). You will also need to source your setup.bash file each time you open a new terminal window.
source install/setup.bash
An alternative: instead of rebuilding every time you make a change, after colcon build, add the flag --symlink-install.

Note: Push your ros_exercises/ changes to github.

Question 1: Create Simple Publisher (Python)

Your task in this exercise is to create a simple ROS node that publishes a random number between 0 and 10.0. Before you start the following exercise, please make sure that your package is built properly. Note that this file will reside inside of the /ros_exercises folder of your newly created package.

Node Specification

Description: Publishes a random number between 0 and 10.
File name: simple_publisher.py
Node Name: simple_publisher
Published topic names: my_random_float
Message type: Float32
Subscription topic names: None
Publish rate: 20hz

Script executable Name: simple_publisher

Commit Specification

  1. When your node works properly, run it (remember to update your setup.py), take a screenshot of rqt_graph visualization of your node(s) and topic(s). Name your screenshot simple_publisher_rqt.png and save it in ros_exercises/rqt (create the rqt/ directory). Note: ros_exercises/ is the ros package you created at the beginning of this section.
  2. Push your code, the screenshot, and any supporting files with an appropriate commit message.


Question 2: Create Simple Subscriber (Python)

In this exercise, you will write a listener (subscriber) that listens to the topic my_random_float, which is published by the previous node. The new node takes the natural log of the message on my_random_float and publishes it to random_float_log.

Node Specification

Description: Subscribes to the topic published on by the simple_publisher and publishes the natural log of the received messages.
File name: simple_subscriber.py
Node Name: simple_subscriber
Published topic names: random_float_log
Message type: Float32
Subscription topic names: my_random_float

Commit Specification

  1. Again, take a screenshot of rqt_graph showing your nodes running, name it simple_subscriber_rqt.png, and save it in the same folder as the previous exercise.
  2. Again, push your code, the screenshot, and any supporting files with an appropriate commit message.

Question 3: Create more Complex Publisher (Python)

In this exercise, you will write a node that publishes fake laser scan data as specified below.

Node Specification

Description: Publish a LaserScan message with random ranges between 1 and 10.
File name: fake_scan_publisher.py
Node Name: fake_scan_publisher
Published topic names: fake_scan
Message type: LaserScan
Subscription topic names: None
Publish Rate: 20hz

LaserScan Parameter Specifications

- Timestamp: Current ros time
- Frame_id: “base_link”
Angle_min: (-2/3)pi
Angle_max: (2/3)pi
Angle_increment: (1/300)pi
Time_increment: Leave it unset if you wish
Scan_time: The time difference in seconds between consecutive scans.

Range_min: 1.0
Range_max: 10.0
Ranges: One dimensional array with elements of random floats between range_min and range_max, Use angle_min, angle_max, and angle_increment to determine the length. Be careful of an off-by-1 error! There should be an element at angle_min and angle_max.
Intensities: Leave it unset if you wish

Commit Specification

  1. When your node works properly, visualize the published laser scan data using RViz. Take a screenshot of your visualized laser scan data and name it fake_scan_rviz.png. Save the image in ros_exercises/rviz. If you can't see anything in rviz it's probably because you're publishing your laser scan message with the header base_link but rviz is visualizing relative to the frame map. In the panel on the right, under global options change "frame: map" to "frame: base_link".
  2. Record a ~10-second bag file of your laser scan data and call the file fake_scan_bag.bag, save it in ros_exercises/rosbag.
  3. Again, push your code, bag file, screenshot, and any supporting files with an appropriate commit message.

Note: You should get an error in RViz that says "No tf data. Actual error: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist". This will not affect your visualization of the laser scan; however, if you would like, you can run ros2 run tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 map base_link in a separate terminal window to link map to your TF tree. You'll see more about this in Question 9.

If you are failing this test make sure you have these files in your ros_exercises directory:

  • rviz/fake_scan_rviz.png
  • rosbag/fake_scan_bag.bag

Question 4: Create a more complex Subscriber(Python)

Create a node that subscribes to the fake laser scan data and outputs the longest range from the laser scan ranges and its corresponding angle.

Node Specification

Description: Subscribes to the fake_scan topic published on by the fake_scan_publisher from the previous exercises, and finds the longest return (the range element with the greatest value) and publishes the corresponding angle and return value or distance.
File name: open_space_publisher.py
Node Name: open_space_publisher
Published topic names: open_space/distance and open_space/angle
Message type: Float32
Subscription topic names: fake_scan
Publish rate: 20hz

Commit Specification

  1. Again, take a screenshot of rqt_graph showing your nodes running, named it open_space_rqt.png, and save it in ros_exercises/rqt.
  2. Again, push your code, the screenshot, and any supporting files with an appropriate commit message.

If you are failing this test make sure you have these files in your ros_exercises directory:

  • rqt/open_space_rqt.png

Note: Test case #4 and onward will still not pass. You will need to finish Question 5 to pass the next test case.

Question 5: Create a custom Message and Publish it

The publisher from the previous exercise was publishing two related pieces of data on two separate topics (open_space/angle and open_space/distance). In this exercise, we ask you to create a custom message that encapsulates the two pieces of data, the same way the LaserScan message type combines multiple pieces of data, and name your custom message file OpenSpace.msg. After creating and compiling your custom message, modify the publisher from the previous exercise to publish this message type on the topic open_space. Hint: You will need to make a separate package for your custom messages since custom messages require cmake to compile. Don't forget to modify your CMakeLists.txt and package.xml files.

Important: For grading purposes, it is required that your angle field be specified BEFORE your distance field. When creating your messages, you will be completely in charge of what your message specification looks like, so be aware that this is just a somewhat arbitrary requirement of the auto-grading system.

Commit Specification

  1. Commit your modified code, config/meta files, and your custom message file as well as any supporting files.

Question 6: Using launch files

If you have been running your publisher(s) and subscriber(s) separately using the ros2 run command, there’s a more organized way to run multiple nodes at the same time with one command.

In this exercise, we ask you to write a single launch file called my_first_launch.launch.xml containing all 4 python files that you have written thus far.

Commit Specification

  1. Commit your launch file. It should be inside a directory called launch within your package.

Question 7: Use ROS parameters

When writing the last publisher (fake_scan_publisher), you had a couple of variables with default values including angle_min, angle_max, range_min, range_max, etc. With the current setup, if you want to change the value of one of those variables you will have to edit the Python code. For hundreds of lines of code, finding where each of such variables is defined can be tedious. The rosparam server provides a way to set those parameters on the terminal when running your program and in launch or config files. Your task here is to parameterize the following variables from the last two nodes.

Note: Your node should be able to start (e.g. via ros2 run) even if not all of these parameters have been set. If a parameter has not been set, your node should default to using the values given in the previous question. This link may be helpful. This way of falling back to hard-coded defaults can still be useful, especially in cases where a sensible default for a parameter is known and changes would only have to be made rarely.

  1. Fake Scan Publisher
    • Publish topic
    • Publish rate
    • Angle_min
    • Angle_max
    • Range_min
    • Range_max
    • Angle_increment
  2. Open Space Publisher
    • Subscriber topic
    • Publisher topic

Commit Specification

  1. Commit your modified nodes along with any other important changes.

Question 8: Playing with bag files

In question 3, we asked you to visualize your laserscan data on RViz and record a bag file. The RViz visualization was probably meaningless and ugly because you’re publishing random data. Don’t be alarmed; real laserscan data is a lot prettier and more informative. Download these bagfiles follow the instructions here, and visualize the laser scan data on RViz. Try it with multiple coordinate frames.

Note: The provided bag files are from our cars driving around in the basement of Stata Center.

Question 9: TF Exercises

You will need to download this rosbag; it may take a while.

The rosbag was collected from a robot driving around in a simulated environment. Its base_link position in the environment is broadcast to the TF tree in ROS. However, the poses of the sensors onboard the robot are not broadcasted to the TF tree.

Note that instead of map, this rosbag uses world. Instead of base_link, this rosbag uses base_link_gt.

  • USE tf2_ros, NOT tf!!

Part 1: The Hard Way

Begin by developing a ROS node that publishes the correct TF of the left and right cameras to the TF tree. Name this node dynamic_tf_cam_publisher.py.

The left camera is located 0.05m to the left of the base_link_gt position, and the right camera is located 0.05m to the right of the base_link_gt position. Both cameras have identity rotation relative to the base_link_gt pose. In this case, the right-direction is the positive-x axis.

Precompute the relative transforms between the cameras and base_link_gt as 4x4 numpy arrays using the above information. Refer to lecture notes for the typical 4x4 formulation.

At each time step, your node should:

  1. Get the current transform of the robot w.r.t. world. Use the TF tree!
  2. Convert the robot's transform to a 4x4 numpy array.
  3. Compute the current transform of the left camera w.r.t. world by composing the precomputed camera-base_link transform with the base_link-world transform.
  4. Compute the current transform of the right camera w.r.t the left camera by composing the relevant matrices.
  5. Broadcast the computed transforms for the cameras to the TF tree. The left camera's TF should be broadcast on the left_cam frame, and the right camera's TF goes on right_cam.

Save a short (~3-5 second) gif of RViz as the rosbag plays with your node running. Make sure we can see the base_link frame and both the left and right camera frames moving around. Name this file dynamic_node.gif and save it in the ros_exercises/rviz directory of your package.

Take a screen-shot of your tf tree in rqt using the tf-tree plugin. Save it in ros_exercises/rqt and name it dynamic_tf_tree.png

  • Note 1: Don't worry if the new TF frames are jittery and/or don't follow the base_link_gt frame fast enough; this should be fixed in part 2.

  • Note 2: You will be doing some transformations in your ROS node. Use tf_transformations, a library that ports over a very useful file built into the original tf package. View the ros1 source code here. Also, use numpy!

  • Note 3: Remember: your left_cam transform is defined relative to world, and your right_cam transform is defined relative to left_cam. These require slightly different equations!

  • Note 4: You can easily record screen captures using the Kazam package (sudo apt-get install kazam) and you can use the ffmpeg package (see this post) or a web-hosted tool to convert to gif.

  • Note 5: To use the rqt-tf-tree plug-in, you might need to install a few more ros2 packages. Try installing ros-foxy-tf2-tools and ros-foxy-rqt-tf-tree and then execute rqt --clear-config.

Part 2: The Easy Better Way

2a: ROS Node

Write a ROS node that publishes the relative pose between each camera and the robot as a static transform. It should only broadcast the transform once. Name this node static_tf_cam_publisher.py. Make sure to use tf2_ros

Save a short (~3-5 seconds) gif of RViz just as in part 1, but with your static_tf_cam_publisher.py node running. Name this file static_node.gif and save it in the ros_exercises/rviz directory of your package. This should look much smoother than in part 1.

2b: Launch File

Additionally, write a roslaunch file that automatically publishes the two transforms. Name this launch file static_tf_publisher.launch.xml and save it in the ros_exercises/launch directory of your package.

If you're getting an "extrapolation into the future" error, add this to your launch file:

<param name="/use_sim_time" value="true"/>

And make sure you're running the rosbag with the /clock topic published like so:

rosbag play tesse_no_statics_2.bag --clock

See here for more information.

  • Note 1: Your launch file can be done two ways: you can use the node you've written, or use the static_transform_publisher node in the tf package as demonstrated here.

Part 3: Back to base_link

Write a new ROS node called base_link_tf_pub.py.

This new node must listen to the transform between left_cam and world and then broadcast the transform from world to base_link_gt on a new frame: base_link_gt_2. The transform you publish must be computed by composing the transform between left_cam and base_link with the transform you are listening for. In other words, this cannot be a static transform.

Add this node to your static_tf_publisher.launch.xml file, such that both the static transforms for the two cameras are published when the launch file is executed. You should be able to visualize both base_link_gt and base_link_gt_2 on top of each other in RViz.

Save a short gif of RViz again, and make sure you can see both base_link_gt_2 and base_link_gt on top of each other. Name this file back_to_base_link.gif and save it in the ros_exercises/rviz directory.

  • Tip: Use numpy.linalg.inv()!

Debugging Hints

Here are some helpful tools to use when trying to debug your code.

Helpful debugging tools (once a node is running):

ros2 topic list

A running node should be publishing or subscribing to different topics. To check that these topics are being listened/talked to, the command rostopic list will list all topics that are currently active (either being subscribed to, published to, or both).

ros2 topic echo /topic_name

Once you know that a command is being published/subscribed to, you can echo its contents, which can show whether or not any information is being passed across this topic or if you are not sending what you expect.

rqt graph

This is a tool to display graphs of running ROS nodes with connecting topics and package dependencies. Allows you to visualize your entire framework!


This is a powerful 3D visualization tool for displaying sensor data and state information from ROS. You will be using it more extensively in future labs.


Includes many handy GUI plugins such as rqt-tf-tree that you can install and use to display your ROS transformation (TF) tree.

To find more ways to use ros2 topic, type ros2 topic --help in the command line. There are many other helpful command line tools to help you out too. See here.