
My personal wiki pages

My personal wiki page

This is my personal wiki page, to save some annotations.

Access the ghpages here

This wiki uses vimwiki

How it works

Install vimwiki in your vim.

Vimwiki basic navigation:

  • Tab = next link
  • Shift + Tab = Previous link
  • Enter = Enter the link
  • Backspace = Back to previous link

Set the wiki configuration in your .vimrc file:

let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '<your_path_here>/vimwiki', 'path_html': '<your_path_here>/vimwiki/docs/'}]

Enter vim and use prefix (default is Ctrl + w) + ww to access vimwiki, or open index.wiki.

To see the help page use :help vimwiki

To generate the html use: :VimwikiAll2HTML

Push the code to master and all is done ;)