
A list of exercises attempted as part of TDI Fall 2016


Fall 2016 Coding Challenges Week 1

Walkthrough “Solve me first”
Most Common
Word Order
Detect HTML links
The Minion Game

Week 2

The Coin Change Problem
Quicksort In-Place
Classes: Dealing with Complex Numbers
Iterables and Iterators
Balanced Parentheses

Week 3

Polynomial Regression: Office Prices
Merge two sorted linked lists
Map Reduce Tutorials - #1 Word Counts
Map Reduce Tutorials - #2 The Group By Operator
Map Reduce Tutorials - #3 Composite Keys
Minimum Average Waiting Time
Connected Cell in a Grid

Week 4

Volleyball Match
Sherlock and Probability
Manasa loves Maths
Find Median

Week 5

Square Subsequences
Stepping Stones Game
Sherlock and Valid String
Sherlock and Anagrams
Cut the tree

Week 6

Greedy Florist
The Grid Search
Bigger is Greater
Breadth First Search: Shortest Reach
Similarity Scores

Week 7

Mehta and his Laziness
The Best Aptitude Test
Forecasting passenger traffic
[Algo] Matrix Rotation
Can funds be transferred? - A

Week 8

Super Digit (Scala only)
John and Fences (Scala only)
String Compression (Scala only)
Reverse Factorization (Scala only)
Valid BST (Scala only)