These are some helper scripts to run a number of Friendster download scripts from a single queue of ids. You need Ruby, Redis and the script. = Installing = 1. Install and start Redis: 2. Get Ruby and RubyGems 3. Install the redis gem: $ gem install redis 4. Copy these .rb scripts to the same directory as and your username.txt and password.txt = Queueing = To add a range of ids to the queue, run $ ruby queue.rb FROM TO e.g. $ ruby queue.rb 1000 2000 = Running a worker = Run a worker (all in the same directory) $ ruby dld.rb This will connect to the Redis queue and wait for ids. You can start multiple workers in the same directory. Each worker will use its own cookie jar. To stop the workers, create a file called STOP in the directory: $ touch STOP The workers will complete their current profiles and exit. = Statistics! = To view some statistics, run $ ruby stats.rb
Some helper scripts to run a number of downloaders from a single queue