
My VIM configuration

Primary LanguageVimL


  1. Clone this repository somewhere

  2. Symlink the repository to ~/.vim/

  3. Create a file at ~/.vimrc with the following contents:

    source path/to/repo/.vimrc

  4. If you're using Neovim, repeat the above (replacing .vimrc with .nvimrc)

Included Plugins

Firstly, note that there are three folders named bundle-* in the repository.

The first (bundle) is for platform-independend plugins, which is most of them.

Plugins with platform-dependent components (e.g., YouCompleteMe/Clighter) can be found in the bundle-darwin and bundle-linux folders, although given that they seem to be causing a significant performance hit at the moment, I've removed them for now.

At the moment, the following plugins are included:

  • ag.vim
  • ctrlp.vim
  • twilight256
  • vim-bufferline
  • vim-commentary
  • vim-easymotion
  • vim-fish
  • vim-fugitive
  • vim-go
  • vim-hy
  • vim-nasm
  • vim-peekaboo
  • vim-polyglot
  • vim-signature
  • vim-swift
  • vim-toml

Key bindings

Leader Key

The leader key is , (comma)


Some of the default search bindings (/, n, and N) has been replaced with EasyMotion commands. By default, EasyMotion is bound to ,, (<leader><leader>)

Split pane management

This one's mnemonic: use <C-w> to enter window management mode, then <C-DIRECTION> to create a new pane in the requested direction. Direction should be one of [h, j, k, l].


CtrlP (a fuzzy file-finder) is currently bound to ,e. Additionally, CtrlP's buffer mode is bound to ,b.