
The well-known Conway's Game of Life in QTableView shell.

Primary LanguageC++


The well-known Conway's Game of Life in QTableView shell.


This app was written to show a non-usual usage of Qt Model/View Programming. Briefly, the architecture is like this:

Super Class Subclass Info
QAbstractTableModel FieldModel The model which represents the game field and provides interfaces to obtain the information about itself. Its data can be treated in many different ways by different views.
QTableView FieldWidget View of the model. It represents the data of FieldModel as a set of colored cells.


Qt5 libraries are needed. You can install them by:

 sudo apt-get install qt5-default

If you still receive an error, installation of qt-sdk may fix it:

sudo apt-get install qt-sdk

Then you may need to reinstall qt5-default, as qt-sdk replaces qt5 libraries with the qt4 ones. So run it again:

sudo apt-get install qt5-default


Run in the project's directory:

make all

The binary can then be found in /bin folder.