
A repository with some stuff about food and location

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Data science you can eat (yum)

A repository with some stuff about food and location. It covers the whole UK and the data comes as individual xml files for each local authority. I downloaded all the data, merged it into a single csv and then mapped it, as well as adding in the lat/long for a few thousand more locations - based on the postcode. I also cleaned up some other records, such as for Stirling and Argyll and Bute, where there was no lat/long or postcode in the postcode column but the postcode was in another field. This allowed me to map a few more of the records so that all-in-all I have been able to locate 85% of the records.

I am sharing the data here because I think interesting and I think other people will too. I'm also sharing it because I wanted to make it available for the entire UK in a single csv, for ease of use. I don't know of any other source of this data in csv format.

This dataset was originally published by the Food Standards Agency under the Open Government Licence (v3).

Source: https://data.food.gov.uk/catalog/datasets/38dd8d6a-5ab1-4f50-b753-ab33288e3200

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