Matlab GUI for recording synchoronized color, depth, and skeleton from Kinect V2 It is manly written to record a database for sign language recognition.
Another version that records using both Kinect and Leap Motion Controller is available in the LCM branch
The Kinect V2 Toolbox for Matlab availabe at download and compile.
Start Kinect button to start/stop Kinect.
Use Browse button to select a folder to save the recorded files to. Default is the cuurent folder.
Make sure that the skeleton is shown befor pressing the Start Recording button.
Use Stop Recording button to stop and save the recorded sample.
The color is saved to .mp4, the depth to _d.mat the skeleton to _s.mat
Ala addin I. Sidig and Hamzah Luqman
Collage of computer science and engineering
King Fahad University of Petroluem and Minerals