
Java bindings for MEI

Primary LanguageJava


Java bindings for the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI). MEI is a document schema for encoding many different musical notation formats. More information can be found at http://music-encoding.org


Written by Alastair Porter, based on ideas from libmei

Compilation / Installation

jMEI uses Maven. To compile, simply

mvn package

and grab the file built to target/

If you want to use this file in another maven project you can run mvn install and use the following dependency block:



jMEI closely follows the XML DOM, so provides a number of object creation and manipulation methods that are inspired from XML.

See the example file in src/main/example for a running demo of these features.

Create a Document, and add a root element to it

MeiDocument d = new MeiDocument();
MeiElement root = new MeiElement("mei");

Create elements and add attributes to them

MeiElement note = new MeiElement("note");
note.addAttribute("pname", "c");

// If you need to add an attribute with a different namespace,
// you can do it manually
MeiNamespace ns = new MeiNamespace("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "xlink");
MeiAttribute a = new MeiAttribute(ns, "title", "My image");
MeiElement graphic = new MeiElement("graphic");

Add elements as children


Access ID information

// jmee automatically makes an ID for you. It's stored in the xml:id
//  attribute of the tag.
MeiElement n1 = new MeiElement("note");
String n1Id = n1.getId();
MeiElement n2 = new MeiElement("note");
String n2Id = n2.getId();

MeiElement tie = new MeiElement("tie");
tie.addAttribute("startid", n1Id);
tie.addAttribute("endid", n2Id);

You can navigate the tree

// Find by id - given a document like this:
//  <note xml:id="anote" />
//  <note xml:id="anothernote"/>
//  <tie xml:id="atie" startid="anote" endid="anothernote">
// you can ask for specific elements in the document
MeiElement tie = document.getElementById("atie");
MeiElement note1 = document.getElementById(tie.getAttribute("startid"));

// Find a surrounding element (e.g. a note's parent staff):
//  <staff>
//    ...
//      <note xml:id="anote" pname="d" />
//  </staff>
MeiElement note = document.getElementById("anote");
MeiElement staff = note.getAncestor("staff");

Read MEI documents from XML

File f = new File("example.mei");
MeiDocument doc = MeiXmlImport.import(f);
// Any xml:id that was set in the XML file is now stored
// as the id field on an MeiElement
MeiElement note = doc.getElementById("mynote");
note.getId(); // is "mynote"

Future plans

  • Tie objects into XML tree so that standard navigation tools (e.g. xpath) can be used
  • Create an Enum for tag types to prevent invalid tags from being created
  • Only let valid attributes and children be added to elements
  • Validate against the MEI schema
  • Automatically create a valid skeleton document (e.g. with meiversion attribute)
  • Don't use xml:id when not needed
  • Map of elements in the document for getById. Needs to auto-update when elements are added and removed.


jMEI is released under the MIT License

Bug Reports / Patches

Issues and patches are welcome on GitHub: https://github.com/alastair/jmei