
Ruby Based Command Line SSH/ RDP Connection manager

Primary LanguageRuby


This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.

What is this repository for?

  • Ruby based command line SSH connection manager
  • 1.0

How do I get set up?

  • Requires Ruby, SSH client (Putty or OpenSSH) and RDP client (Windows own or rdesktop on linux)
  • Install Ruby Gems (run bundle install)
  • Configuration via settings.yaml
  • Connection details in details.yaml
  • Environment details in envs.yaml
  • For GUI you need FXRuby Gem Version


Usage :

connect.rb -s <action> -s [<server>|<server1>,<server2>,...] -e [<environment>|<env1>,<env2>,...] -p ports

Actions :

  • c = connect
  • p = ping
  • l = list ip
  • d = dump connections
  • r = search for details with regex
  • h = check ports are open

Example :

connect.rb -a c -s app1 -e dev              = connect to app1 in dev
connect.rb -a l -s app1,app2,proxy -e live = list IPs for app1/2 and proxy in live
connect.rb -a r -s proxy                     = search of details for connection like "proxy"

Or use the "rcon" scripts as shortcuts.