
ETL tool for SHHS dataset

Primary LanguagePython

SHHS Prepper

ETL tool for the National Sleep Research Resource SHHS dataset

How to use

To use, simply pip install -r requirements.txt and you may then use this Python script!

To get configurable parameters available for you when using the script, simply run python shhs-prepper.py --help

usage: shhs-prepper.py [-h] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
                       [--population_size POPULATION_SIZE] [--interspersed]
                       [--patient_ids PATIENT_IDS [PATIENT_IDS ...]]
                       [--path PATH] [--dump_path DUMP_PATH] [--profile]

Turns an shhs dataset into a useful dataframe/CSV set

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        How many EDF samples to batch together. Affects column
  --population_size POPULATION_SIZE
                        How many patients should be used?
  --interspersed        Should different EEG sensors be interleaved into the
                        same/different row?
  --path PATH           Path to SHHS folder
  --dump_path DUMP_PATH
                        Path to CSV result dump
  --profile             Profile mode?

What does it do?

Upon running the script, it creates a CSV file and dumps it to a path (by default, set to results.csv on the current working directory.

  • batch_size controls how many EDF samplings are recorded together as one CSV row. This means that given an EEG signal sampled at 125Hz (125 signal samplings per second), a batch_size of 125 would store 1 second of EEG data samples per row, with 125 columns representing each sampled signal for a given EEG sensor (there are 2 on the SHHS dataset)
  • interspersed controls how many different EEG sensors should be interleaves into the same row. If passed (by running the program with the --interspersed option), the 2 EEG sensors used in the SHHS dataset would be represented in the same row. If not, EEG sensors would be represented into their own individual rows
  • path controls the path to the SHHS dataset folder. By default, it assumes the current working directory is the SHHS folder
  • dump_path controls the path and name of the resulting CSV file

How does the output CSV look like?

  • With batch_size set to 2 and --interspersed, you would have the following columns per each row on your CSV:
    • subject_id - Patient Identifier
    • in_cohort1 - Did the patient have a Cohort 1 EDF
    • in_cohort2 - Did the patient have a Cohort 2 EDF
    • cohort - What cohort (1 or 2) was this EEG sampling drawn from
    • sleep_stage - What was the patient's sleep stage at this time?
    • eeg1_0, eeg1_1, eeg2_0, eeg2_1 - With --interleaved, we store both eeg1 and eeg2 sensor data in the same row. With batch_size set to 2, 2 EDF samplings for eeg1 and eeg2 are stored per row.
  • With batch_size set to 50, you would have the following columns per each row on your CSV:
    • subject_id - Patient Identifier
    • in_cohort1 - Did the patient have a Cohort 1 EDF
    • in_cohort2 - Did the patient have a Cohort 2 EDF
    • cohort - What cohort (1 or 2) was this EEG sampling drawn from
    • sleep_stage - What was the patient's sleep stage at this time?
    • eeg_0, eeg_1 ... eeg_49 - With batch_size set to 50, 50 EDF EEG samplings are stored per row.
    • eeg_signal - Tells us whether this represents the 1st or 2nd EEG signal (1 or 2), considering the --interspersed option was not used.

What's --profile

You most likely won't need to use it, but it runs cProfiler and to be honest, was an added option as I worked to improve the profiling of this script to run through across the SHHS monstrosity of a dataset.