
Dockerfile for Django with uWSGI, Nginx, MySQL, Python 3.

This Image/Dockerfile aims to create a container for Django with MySQL, Python 3 and using uWSGI, Nginx to hosting.

How to use?

You can build this Dockerfile yourself:

sudo docker build -t "chenjr0719/django-nginx-mysql" .

Or, just pull my image:

sudo docker pull chenjr0719/django-nginx-mysql

Then, run this image:

sudo docker run -itd -p 80:80 chenjr0719/django-nginx-mysql

Wait a minute, you can see the initial project of Django at

Check it work properly

You can check is Django work properly with MySQL Server by:

  1. First, query your Django Admin Password:

    sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID cat /home/django/password.txt
  2. Access and log in as Username: admin.

  3. Choose Model_Example to test CRUD function.

Use your Django project?

If you want to use your Django project which you already developed, use following command:

sudo docker run -itd -p 80:80 -v $PROJECET_DIR:/home/django/website chenjr0719/django-nginx-mysql

Project requirements

Make sure you already add your requirements module at $PROJECET_DIR/requirements.txt.

This image will auto install all requirements module in this file.

Data migration

If you are using SQLite, this image will auto migrate your data into MySQL Server.

But, if you are using other database, you need to dump data yourself.

Using this command:

python dumpdata -e sessions -e admin -e contenttypes -e auth --natural-primary --natural-foreign --indent=4 > $PROJECT_DIR/dump.json

Modify project name

If your project name is not website, this image will not work properly.

you need modify the setting of uwsgi.ini in your container:

sudo docker exec $CONTAINER_ID sed -i "s|module=website.wsgi:application|module=$PROJECT_NAME.wsgi:application|g" /home/django/uwsgi.ini
sudo docker restart $CONTAINER_ID

About Django static files

If you want to use Django static files, you have to:

  1. Enter to your container:
sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID bash
  1. Modify the setting of Django.
SETTING_PATH=`find /home/django/website -name`

In the Static files section, if your static files are in templates/static, add following setting:

os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "templates/static"),

STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static")
  1. Run the following command to collect all static files of your project into a folder.

In default it will use /static/, you can change it by modifying STATIC_ROOT in

echo yes | python3 /home/django/website/ collectstatic
  1. If you want to use different name of static folder, you need to modify the setting of nginx-site.conf in your container.

You can use this command:

sed -i "s|/home/django/website/static|/home/django/website/$STATIC_FOLDER_NAME|g" /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
  1. Exit your container and restart it:
sudo docker restart $CONTAINER_ID