
Create a custom Symfony Normalizer for mapping values

Primary LanguagePHP

Create a custom Symfony Normalizer for mapping values


Article Series: Mapping FieldValueIDs for the payload of the Emarsys API

  • Create a custom Symfony Normalizer for mapping values (Article / Repository)
    • Implementation with Symfony PropertyNormalizer (Branch)
  • Create a custom JMS Serializer handler for mapping value (Article / Repository)
  • Create a custom Jackson JsonSerializer und JsonDeserializer for mapping values (Article / Repository) gp

Docker image

Start docker image

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build -d

Run composer install

docker exec attribute_article composer install

Run tests

docker exec attribute_article bin/phpunit

Open bash

docker exec -it attribute_article bash


Open frontend: http://localhost:8080/